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General Information

Full Name Hao Dai
Date of Birth 29th Jan. 1994
Languages Chinese, English


  • 2019 - NOW


    Beijing, China

    Ph.D. in Computer Science
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Thesis
      • Theories and Methods of Edge-Cloud Collaboration for Edge Intelligence
    • Supervisor
  • 2015 - 2017


    Wuhan, China

    M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
    Wuhan University of Technology
    • Thesis
      • Real-time Congestion Analysis System for Urban Rail Transit Based on Big Data
    • Supervisor
      • Prof. Feng Lv
  • 2011 - 2015


    Wuhan, China

    B.S. in Electronic Engineering
    Wuhan University of Technology
    School of Information Engineering
    • Thesis
      • A Self-Organized Electronic Tag System based on the Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
    • Supervisor
      • Prof. Dejun Chen


  • 2019 - NOW


    Shenzhen, China

    Research Assistant
    Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology
    Institute of Advanced Computing and Digital Engineering
    • Projects
      • Edge Cloud Collaborative Computing Methods and Applications in C-V2X.
      • Key Technology of Network Architecture Optimization in AI Computing Cluster.
  • 2016 - 2019


    Shenzhen, China

    Senior Data Mining Engineer
    Shenzhen Institute of Beidou Applied Technology
    • Projects
      • Big Data Control Platform for Shenzhen Public Security Bureau.
      • Real-time Passenger Flow Analysis platform for Shenzhen Metro Company.


  • 2022-2023
    • President Scholarship of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology
    • Outstanding Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2021-2022
    • Outstanding Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2019-2022
    • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph.D Scholarship

Teaching Assistant

  • 2022


    Shenzhen, China

    Distributed Storage System, SIAT 2022 Spring
    Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology
    Faculty of Computer Science and Control Engineering
    • HDFS / HBase / Zookeeper / ElasticSearch
    • Consensus Protocol ( Paxos, Raft )
    • Consistent Hashing
  • 2021


    Shenzhen, China

    Operating System, SIAT 2021 Fall
    Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology
    Faculty of Computer Science and Control Engineering
    • Linux File System
    • Multi-Process / Multi-Thread Programming
    • System Memory Management

Academic Interests